Angélique is 27 years old and is gradually becoming profoundly deaf. This situation prevented her from integrating into professional life. So she opted for cochlear implantation, a device connected to the auditory nerve by electrodes.
I'm her elder sister and we have the same malformation. But I reject her decision to implant a foreign body to stimulate her nervous system. Our differing points of view call into question our relationship with deafness and normality, as established by society and the medical profession.
I accompany Angélique on her quest to become "hearing", right through to the aftermath of her operation and the rehabilitation of her hearing system.
Produced by
Les Films de l’œil sauvage (France)
With the participation of
France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
With the support of
CNC – Fonds de Soutien Audioviosuel
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Région Sud
La SCAM - Bourse Brouillon d’un Rêve
Fondation MAAF
International sales
Les Films de l’œil sauvage
National distribution
Tangente Distribution (France)
Festivals and awards
Festival de Douarnenez
Le Mois du Doc